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Why We Do This

Kids breath healthy air

Many years ago George was unknowingly exposed to high concentrations of mold during a hotel remodel. Shortly thereafter he developed a nagging cough followed by a feeling of tightness in his chest. He was sent for what seemed like endless rounds of medical tests, which finally identified several enlarged lymph nodes in his chest. The nodes were impinging on his heart and lungs making it difficult for him to breathe. The doctors thought he had lymphatic cancer and he underwent major surgery to remove and biopsy the most troublesome nodes. Much to our relief, the nodes were not cancerous. However, nobody knew what they were. After sending the tissue to the Center for Disease Control we were told the tissue contained some “unknown mycotoxin.”

Today, George is healthy. But we learned the importance of good personal protective equipment and the value of a thorough inspection and tight protocol. None of those were common at that time, but now all three are essential to every job we do.

We have seen many families experience the anxiety of a situation similar to ours and we wanted to help educate people and help them reclaim their homes as their sanctuary. We also strive to educate other construction trades on how to protect themselves when working around mold. That’s why we do what we do.

Found Mold? Don't Panic, We can Help!

Copyright Big Sky Environmental Solutions LLC dba the Real mold guy! All rights reserved. 2023

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